April 04, 2009

Before and After

Louise, once a wild, little stray, is no longer the same girl that showed up on our doorstep five years ago ..... in oh so many ways.

She has lost some (but not much) of her feisty personality ..... drawing blood is not always required anymore. Her back end, however, is well, somewhat wider then before. Let's just say Louise has not missed a meal since moving in, nor has she missed an opportunity to steal everyone else's food either.


  1. That's my pretty girl! I love your full figure.

  2. Beautiful kitties; just gorgeous! I found your site via Karen who left a comment on my blog. I'm glad to discover this blog. . . it is great! I'll be back.
    Come visit mine when you have a chance. I am a quilter and kitty-lover!

  3. What wonderful photos! I kept scrolling on and on and finding so many delightful cats.
    I'd better not tell my two that I have been visiting with your cats. They'd get rather jealous!
    Like Cyn, who commented above, I foudn your site thanks to Karen who posted a comment on my own Blog.

  4. I think she is so beautiful! She is a silver fox, a foxy lady! She looks fabul"ass" as a size zero as well as a size zero plus!
