February 02, 2009

Calling All Beavers

Cousin Beaver beware!

The City was recently exposed for it's horrendous practice of trapping and killing Beavers.

Yes Bea, there are actually folks out there that do not appreciate Beavers.

Will it ever be safe for Cousin Beaver to visit again?
Louise hopes not.
In fact, who do you think first suggested killing beavers?


  1. Don't worry Miss Bea! All Beavers are resting comfortably.

  2. It's me, Bea! I am so pretty! I love my pictures! I'm precious as a princess! I'm not a beaver! I'm Bea, prettiest girl with a 'stache!

  3. Oh, my -- I just found your blog, thanks to Karen! Smudge & Lester wave hello!

  4. Beutiful pictures!! And the kitties are really cuties!
